
Nothing From Something

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I drummed my feet around the area under my desk, playing around, doing nothing in particular at my computer. Not homework, of course, even though that's what I SHOULD have been doing, but I was probably talking with some person that I have never actually met on the internet. I can only remember what my feet were doing, when I heard something like a *fphhloomph* noise from bellow my desk, out of my sight. I knew my feet were playing with a flip-flop, or a thong as some people call it; I'd imagine that most call them beach shoes. Or pool shoes. Either way, I looked down to find the source of the noise.

"Damn. Nooooooooooooooooooo!" I exclaimed to myself, semi-dramatically, joking around. Not that I said it loud enough for anyone else to hear to get in on the joke, or to get attention from others. I still chuckled at myself though. See, the flop had made that noise before. The little strappy thing, the center part, that kept your feet on the sole of the flop, was, well, very cheaply made. It was just punched though this tough foam-like substance to keep it in place. So when it made that noise, it was because the strap popped out of place. But, the noise was slightly different than normal, so I knew something else had happened. The strap must have ripped, actually broke, in a different spot. When I looked down and crawled under my desk, grabbing the flip-flop, I was surprised, yet, not. I guess I let myself be surprised. Yup, the strap was ripped. Right side, for the right foot.

Well, what was I going to do now? I mean, it was trivial, and nobody would hardly care about it at all. Still, I found my reaction entertaining. So, I opened up my internet browser, and navigated to Twitter. Twitter, for those not living in the 21st century, is a thoughtlet sharing site. You only had a limited number of characters to share small thoughts, or, important information in a small, easy, bite.

Perfect for my current useless flip-flop.

"My flip-flop broke! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! D:" I typed out, attempting to emulate my silly demeanor as it currently was.

I looked up from the computer screen for a moment. Where the hell was I going with this, a silly story about a little bit of nothing? I was writing nothing. It meant nothing, a story about a flip-flop. Nobody ever responded to that tweet; perhaps they never saw it. It was trivial, it was nothing; myself I didn't care if anyone saw it or not! Those flip-flops would be trashed, I'd buy a new pair, and nothing would have happened. A boring story. Just a common, everyday occurrence. Nothing! How does one ramble on about something such as that? What point could they make of it?

Maybe, that point, was that nothing often produces so much… at least, when you make something of it!

I snorted, thinking to myself. "Pfffff, yeah. How stupidly silly. Why did I think this was a good idea, again? Writing something about a flip-flop. Straining to come up with a point. Well, another scrap," I thought. "One that nobody will notice. It's nothing."
Just some random ramblings, I guess. Feel free to skip this one, if you want, guys, because I can't make heads or tails of it either.
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Aquablast-Fon's avatar
It is still nonetheless a moment of life, even if it is only a small moment. And I think it is nice to share it!

...... Now only if I bothered myself to get a tweeter or something...